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October 01, 2018 2 min read

Airline and airport travel regulations are uncharted territories when it comes to traveling with health supplements.

Yes, you can't deny the fact that it's become harder to fully navigate the myriad of rules and regulations surrounding the types of supplements you can travel with. In fact, walking through an airport security checkpoint has become the stuff of nightmares, as you fear that your supplements might be illegal in your destination.

Then, you wonder if it's really worth the stress to take your supplements along with you on your trips. Hold on! Before you leave your supplements behind you need to know you can actually bring along any of your supplements (from pre-workout to whey protein) without worrying about spooking any local law or the Transport Security Administration.

Although it's basically impossible to familiarize yourself with the local laws in your destination, the TSA mostly allows travelers to carry all forms of medications including supplement powders. However, there are regulations that you must follow. So, let's check out some of the ways you can safely carry your supplements on the plane.

It All Depends on the Package

The way you pack your supplement powder determines a lot. Heck! It determines if you will have a delayed flight or a smooth journey without a hitch. According to TSA regulations, you have to keep your supplements contained and separate from the rest of your luggage. It's advisable to keep them in your carry-on bag in order to show that you have nothing to hide.

However, this part is a bit tricky as most supplement powders come in huge containers that will cause inconvenience during your trips. Therefore it's best to use portable containers like the OnMyWhey supplement Keychain funnel.

What's more? This container is just the right fit for most carry-ons, and it can hold enough supplement for a whole serving. You can also use the clip of this container to attach to clothes, instead of placing it in a carry-on.

Picking The Right Screening Option

Choosing the right screening option when traveling with your supplements will reduce any undue harassment from TSA officers and airport officials at security checkpoints. To avoid suspicions about the legality of your supplement, it's advisable to remove your supplement container from your luggage.

This is to ensure that it is screener differently and fastest option is the x-ray screening. Simply take out the container and place it in the x-ray tray for screening. Mind you, you can also request for a visual inspection if you are not comfortable with x-ray screening.

Regardless of your screening option, the airport official might perform extra screening if something looks suspicious about your supplements.

Wrapping Up

Although you can bring your supplements on a plane, you have to get familiar with the local laws of the place you are traveling to. Sometimes, these local laws may classify unmarked supplements as illegal. In addition to this, always arrive at the airport early and get your supplements checked in order to avoid unnecessary delays. And if you don't want to carry around a bulky container of protein with you when you travel, you always have the option to fill up a handful of OnMyWhey with protein and toss those in your bag. 

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