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October 26, 2017 1 min read

With the Holidays right around the corner, we figured it was time to help you out a bit. Finding a Christmas / Hanukkah (or any other Holiday) gift for your special someone can be hard enough. Doing so while staying within a reasonable price is even harder. 

For anyone who is shopping for someone who has a love of fitness, we have just the gift for you. Add this as a stocking stuffer, and you'll make someone extra happy.

It doesn't matter if you're shopping for your bodybuilder buddy who needs to always have an extra scoop of protein with him, or your casual fitness and health conscious girlfriend who needs a place to store her vitamins. Whether it's being filled up with protein, pre-workout supplements, vitamins, herbal medicine (wink wink), or anything else, OnMyWhey is the perfect gift for any occasion.

Get one for under $10, or go with a 3-pack or 5-pack.

Happy Shopping, and as always, #bringit!

Also in OnMyWhey To Fit

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